Sunday, April 11, 2010

Terrible news..

our pic is not showing up for TGF's Royal Battle :( There are 5 other teams that this is happening to. I am soooo sick to my stomach! If you knew what I went through just to get it heart is broken...sigh :( There are still 2 days left to vote, but we are getting crushed. The thumbnail pic shows up, but you can't see any detail of my layout on it. It could possibly be that it sucks, but I am soooo over critical of myself and I didn't think it was too bad. I am going to go drown myself in something fattening....even if it is 10:30am in the morning...chocolate perhaps? Ice cream? Maybe I will just pull the covers up over my head...yeah...that will work....maybe I will post some additional close up shots hopes to revive us a little bit. Gotta fight for things we want right? Wallowing comes first!

UPDATE: Wallowing is over...some chocolate covered pretzels helped :) I'm still getting ice cream later...ha ha! I think I needed that on all different levels. What a week! Crazy work week....getting ready for taxes...project deadlines...I finished it ALL!!!! Whoo hoo!!! Yes...I am more than pleased with that...I finished it all and I am still standing...piece of cake ;) Bring on the new week!!!! I have realized today that I have met some of the greatest people on earth and I haven't even physically met them...thank you for your kind words and for helping to pick up my spirits....I promise to be here if you ever need me in all ROCK this planet!!!! I thank God every day for each of you!!!



MiamiKel said...

Aw, Im sorry Pryn - your page is beautiful!!!!!

Clare said...

Oh, SO sorry to hear this Pryn! :( Maybe, in the "additional info" of the photo, you should leave a link to you blog entry with the picture so the girls can see it...?
Anyways, VOTED FOR YOU! Your LO really IS DA BEST! Love you, girly! :D

lesleyworth said...

Girl...don't be critical! Your LO is fantastic! We will get this problem fixed! The Lollipop Guild will survive! Now go eat some chocolate ice I'm not the only one indulging! Hugs!

Maureen Merritt said...

Hang in there girl!!! Your page is awesome. I'm going to keep checking back and you have my vote :)
BTW- You and your hubby are a gorgeous couple :) And chocolate always helps!!

Amy said...

Your page is GORGEOUS!! I saw it here and on Lesley's blog and I went and voted for you guys!Not JUST because i love you but because you deserve it!! You made a fabulously awesome "Amore" LO and the pic is so sweet! Are they going to try and fix your picture? I hope they can fix it so everyone else can see your awesomness! BIG HUGS!! Chocolate ALWAYS helps, and I <3 choco pretzels!! Muah!